Together we will make the 2024/2025 school year our best one yet!

Join the NFES PTO!

The NFES PTO provides the “extra” things needed in and around our school that today's school budget doesn't allow for. Through our fundraising efforts we, as a PTO, are able to enrich the educational experience of every student in the school. The PTO Membership Drive is one of the main fundraisers of the year. It gives us the start up funds to bring in all the fabulous special programs our children love to learn from! Each membership contribution supports the students and teachers of MHHS and with our donation based membership everyone contributes what is right for their family.

You can also gift a teacher their PTO membership! Their membership gives them perks like the ability to participate in our grant program where we purchase materials and supplies for their classrooms!

Congratulations Class of 2032!

Congratulations Class of 2032!

Plans are underway for Step-Up 2024! Be sure to order your child’s 5th Grade Step-Up t-shirt today!